Dynamic Dashboard Filter not showing all options

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

So I followed along with this video
Enhanced Dashboard 
I got the sample app and played around with it until I thought I had learned what was going on. I then created my own app, with my own Google Sheet Data. It's partially working. I've been through the video several times and after watching several other videos on dynamic dashboards / dropdown lists I cannot figure out what I did wrong.
My issues

1. in my control box only one criteria will initially display, once I select and option for that another option will be displayed, and so on until all 4 criteria pop up. I want all 4 to show up and be able to select any one or combination of the 4 from dropdowns
2. I have noticed that my 3rd criteria, although giving me the correct dropdown choices, doesn't actually filter anything.

Any suggestions as to where to look for my error?

0 1 79


Hi taz,

2. I have noticed that my 3rd criteria, although giving me the correct dropdown choices, doesn't actually filter anything.

Are you saying that the rows did not filter as you want , or only the dropdown choices did not filter as you want? 

Either way, can you share the formula used and give more details on your tables / columns for better understanding? (or adding screenshots)


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