Dynamic Email Not Working

Hi, I want to create a dynamic email for a simple approval (Only a Y/N and LongText is edited) but I can’t get the email to come when I try to test the bot it gives me this error

I also tried to send it to another domain to see if I get an email with just the link that too has not arrived in my inbox. Any advice? Do I need to provide more information?

Any help would be hugely appreciated,
Thanks in Advance

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Hi @Thilina,

Do you mind sharing the app with me as a co-author at mhashmi@appsheet.com? I can look into what’s causing this.


Sure @Sarmad_Hashmi I’ve just added you to an exact copy of the application as I do not have permissions to share the original application hope thatsok It should be from thilina@demo.fcpl.biz
All the dynamic bots have dynamic in the names so that its easier to find

EDIT: The error shown in the screenshot above seems to have gone (I am checking it after 48 hours of initial post) but the email is still not coming

@Sarmad_Hashmi Please get back to me on this,
thank you!

Hi @Thilina,

Apologies for the delayed response! I think the issue that you’re seeing is likely because there is no row that matches the row filter for the slice you are using so there is no Dynamic Email sent.

I’ll message you directly with more details!


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