Dynamic confirmation message in Google Forms that can take values from the form you just filled out

Hello everyone! I am new here and work with google script 4th day so sorry if my questions and thoughts on this topic are not fully correct.

Could somebody tell me how I can take values from the google form I just filled out and show them in current confirmation message? 

For example, I need to show in confirmation message the e-mail the message was sent. I can do it with setConfirmationMessage() and getRespondentEmail() methods using google script but in that case previous
e-mail will be shown.

On the Internet I found that confirmation messages get values immediately after submission of google form. So if I use setConfirmationMessage() and getRespondentEmail() methods in google script it return values that are last in submission moment time. I want to say that linked spreasheet doesn't have time to update its values and show me previos values.

I have two assumptions how this problem could be solved:
1) Maybe is it possible to update confirmation message page in browser and then next values from the spreadsheet that is linked to the google form will shown?
2) Maybe is possible to delay loading confirmation message page in browser?

If nothing is possible then why is it possible to get previous values from the spreadsheet? I mean we can get information from previous response, manipulate with them and then show in confirmation message for new respondent, although this information is useless for non-previous respondent.

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Hi @Leontev_Mark !

This is a AppSheet forum.  Although Google Forms can be used as a Data Entry point to AppSheet apps and you might find a few people who are experts in Google Form usage,  the chances of finding someone here who can properly answer your question in this forum are low.  AppSheet apps have their own Form views and rarely need to rely on Google Forms.

I would recommend finding a dedicated forum for Google Forms usage and posting your question there as well.

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