Dynamic filter with Related Table Condition

Hello everyone!! Hope u are all good.

I developed an app for a friend, and i created a Dynamic Filter Dashboard based on some links here. But now he asked me to add another condition that would filter a related Table and i need help on two things:

This app has a Order Table, a Product Table and a OrderProduct Table (to deal with the many-to-many relationship). My filter slice setting is at Order's Table, that has a Related OrderProduct (App Formula: REF_ROWS("OrderProduct" , "Order ID")).

  •  Changing the row condition formula to include this Related Product filter:

    The way i tried to manage it was to use the following row filter condition inside the AND([ALL FILTER FORMULAS]

    ISBLANK(DashboardFilter[Product ID]),
    IN([Related OrderProduct][Product ID],DashboardFilter[Product ID])

      The problem is that this IN() formula is not working for multiple values. Since the [Product ID] at DashboardFilter is a Enumlist ref I need it to work based on multiple values and not single one. 

  • Show only the related Products matching the filter condition:

Since the slice is based on Order Table the same is for the card view.  And at the "image" card setting i set to show [Related OrderProduct] as the image bellow. So it will show the order that matches the filter condition but will not restrict the products view at the [Related OrderProduct] card view. Is it possible to in addition to show the orders based on the filter, showing the products too?




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Platinum 4
Platinum 4
  ISBLANK(DashboardFilter[Product ID]),
      DashboardFilter[Product ID]),
      [Related OrderProduct][Product ID]

View solution in original post


Hi, good question.

I'm not sure that my solution is right, but I use CONTAINS() to find something in Enumlist, because Enumlist it's a text separated by a comma.


Thank for your suggestion but it didn't worked also. It is returning only the columns that matches all the selected itens. For exemple:

Order 001 - ITEM A, ITEM B, ITEM C

Order 002 - ITEM A, ITEM B

Order 003 - ITEM C

If my enumlist has the ITEM A and the ITEM B selected it should return the orders 001 and 002. 

With your formula it will return only the order 002. I think the way CONTAINS work is different from what you said, the list of itens will be a single text like "ITEM A, ITEM B" and will result true whenever the column is filled exactly with this text. 

CONTAINS("abc", "bc") returns TRUE

Yeah it does, but CONTAINS("b", "bc") return FALSE, and in my case it should return TRUE.

What this case means, supose the user is searching for item b or item c on the filter, and this order only has the item b. As item b is on the criteria, this row should appear on the filter and it isn't. I don't know if i made it clear enough.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4
  ISBLANK(DashboardFilter[Product ID]),
      DashboardFilter[Product ID]),
      [Related OrderProduct][Product ID]

Thanks Steve. You're always saving us!!!! By the way, i managed to get this product list inside of the Product table, since that is a intermediate Table that relates Products and Orders. 

I just did the [Related IntermediateTable][Column I wanted] in Product table, and i got the result almost the way my friend expected. I'll give a try to your suggestion.





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