Dynamically remove empty rows from sheet

I have a sheet (here) that I'm using as a base for appsheet.

I'm using this as a template so that when I get a new lot of jobs for a new project I can copy the template, dump the info and create a new app (copied from my app template)

The way it works is I copy/paste all the info from another sheet into TASK DUMP!, then arrayformula certain columns in specific order to TASKS! with formulas, checkboxes and data validations that I use as the reference in my app. I also need to be able to add extra rows to the DUMP sheet later on and have them show up on TASKS!

I'm having trouble with 2 things in the app..

1. I have a graph referencing the COMPLETED column, but it shows ALL of the rows, not just the ones with data.

2. I have a view that also shows all the empty rows.

I can't figure out how to dynamically remove all the empty rows from TASKS! and still be able to add extra rows in TASK DUMP! and have them show up in TASKS!

I assume another way would be to somehow create a slice to only show NOTBLANK rows in both the view and the graph in my app, but I also can't figure this out.

I've tried FILTER on my sheet, but this doesn't let me add new rows in TASK DUMP! and have them show up in TASKS! with still no empty rows below.

Pretty convoluted I know, but hopefully someone can understand what I'm trying to achieve and help me out.

Thanks in advance


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Some pointers from me

  1. I don't really understand the need to create multiple Apps.  I've been doing Appsheet now for 6+ years and I've never really come across any app that needed multiple copies
  2. "I have a graph referencing the COMPLETED column, but it shows ALL of the rows, not just the ones with data."  My hunch is that Appsheet is seeing the square tick box in [Completed] as data because technically it is a single character.  But also that you must not have [PIMS ASSET ID] set as the key column otherwise appsheet would ignore rows where [PIMS ASSET ID] is blank
  3. "I can't figure out how to dynamically remove all the empty rows from TASKS!"  Appsheet has no way to remove blank spreadsheet rows.  All it can do is clear all the data.  To delete the spreadsheet rows you'd need to either do it manually or create a Google Script

Appologies for the shameless plug ๐Ÿ˜ But I work as an Appsheet developer for a few Austrailian clients, despite being in the UK.  So if you want to discuss this app I'm happy to give you 60mins of free time to discuss what you're trying to do.  If you checkout my website you'll see I've also got quite a bit of experience with trades type businesses.


Thanks for the reply Simon.

I'm wanting to use multiple apps because I want other companies to be able to use this app with their own data fro their own jobs. Myabe there's a way to do this with only one app with USERS or something, but I want them to be able to add their own data from their own spreadsheets.

I think I've found a sloution to my original problem. I had the ROW NUMBER as the Key. I added a numbered, filtered row to my sheet and used this as the Key. Problem solved.




So you can use slices and/or security filters to limit what data a user can see.  When I've done this I use a formula with UserEmail() so I can dictate what they can see

One Downside of multiple Apps is that  if they are broadly similar, if you want to add a new feature, you have to manually do this to them all ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Yep so each table needs a key column.  Best practice is to set this to a TEXT column and use UniqueID() as the inital value.  This creates a 8 Characted haxadecmimal number. 

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