
Hi, does anyone know how do we disable edit button upon clicking the three dots on the above right in the picture? Because we have already put conditions for editing but the edit button there enable the user to bypass all validation instead.  


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I may again say that with proper workflow and logic you would be able to do the needful.

@Nadhirah wrote:

I put editable if and yes they cannot edit but they are able to view everything despite making it as slices.

Not sure what you mean by "everything".  I believe you could achieve the needful by proper use of security filters, slices, show_if and editable_if combinations.



View solution in original post


Please elaborate. In general an action should not appear anywhere if a condition to disable it is properly created.

Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar,

I have a worksheet name work order and I used slices with conditions that will divide and show some information only. For example:
Worker Name
Work Type 

[Status]="Open Work Order"
Worker Name
Work Type 
Work Details

[Status]="Open Work Order"
Worker Name
Work Type 
Work Details
Work Approve

All of this is different slices but back to my issue. Let say I am on Open Work Order page and it has a few lists of data. User can pick one and they must edit it to add the work details. Next, they must get approval but it must be another user with another access. However, if let say the user press this edit button in the picture below instead of editing using the edit button on the below, they would be able to skip and press approve themselves. 






Thank you. I believe with proper workflow and logic you would be able to achieve the desired functionality.  

At the outset, the edit button at the top and bottom should be either simultaneously shown or hidden based on a condition. It will not so happen that the button shows just in one place in detail view.

Regarding, approval based on user roles, if there is say an "Approval Status " column in the work order record. You can make that column as "editable_if" only by certain users based on their email. So other users can keep editing other fields in the record, but Approval can be done only by certain users.


For my case, I tried disable the menu and search button in UX->Brand. It works but it also disable the search functions which is needed since the lists are long and it will makes it easy for user to search instead of scrolling. I put editable if and yes they cannot edit but they are able to view everything despite making it as slices.

I may again say that with proper workflow and logic you would be able to do the needful.

@Nadhirah wrote:

I put editable if and yes they cannot edit but they are able to view everything despite making it as slices.

Not sure what you mean by "everything".  I believe you could achieve the needful by proper use of security filters, slices, show_if and editable_if combinations.



What I meant by everything is that when user press the edit button on the top navbar instead of the bottom edit button, they would be able to view every column existing in the worksheet despite the slices created. All the columns I put already have the editable if and show if functions however, its just that user can bypass some information by not filling it in and skip to the next slices. 

But your solution is acceptable but just a little annoying todo hahah. I just wonder why both edit button shows different view thats all. 

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