I have a working email bot for approval before now, but recently i noticed it not working, condition are met but the email is not been received.


After checking the with Monitor option, here is what i see as the error. 
Any reason for this and solution.
I am thinking it after some recent update.

0 22 318

Is this a datachange or scheduled event? Is the error the same on all the failed executions of the bot? What is different for the single bot execution that apparently functioned correctly? Does the bot process filter any data where that filter could result into no data returned?

It is a DataChange event..
The error is same on all Failed executions.
There was no difference apparently, as i never did any change to the data.
I noticed manual trigger works.
I left the condition blank from unset as i only want it triggered whenever a new entry is made.

I would suggest posting some additional details (via screenshots) of how the bot is configured. Also, some thoughts to consider are you mentioned this bot was working but is not any longer, so what changes have you made to the bot or to the application itself. For example, you did not make any changes to the bot itself, however you added a security filter to one of the tables that the bot engages. This could affect your bot.

Attahced some Screenshots.


Here is how it is setup.
And i did not make any change to the app prior to the issue.


Did another entry this morning and the same error. This is after i had to delete the Existing Bot and Created it again.

How is the process, i.e. the 'Mail' step configured? I presume you are pulling records from another table there and including it in the dynamic email? Are any of the recipient emails not GMail based? Note that your process has a specific warning about dynamic emails only working with GMail. Your error still suggests that there is no data being sent in the Email task.

I am pulling record from same table and sheet. For both the process and event.
Yes i am very well aware of the Gmail Based Embedded View.
I as the creator is not receiving the email that should precede from the BOT.
And i actually did not make any change to the App prior to the start of the issue.

Screenshot(s) of the Step showing all the settings (you may redact any sensitive information) will also be helpful to troubleshoot the issue.






Here is the Data column and the preview on the right..

For every add and update the Bot is meant to send an email for Approval with a condition that the Approved? column is Blank.( I just made this change yesterday) Yet same issue.

I had before no have no condition attached to the Event just after  Adds it should be triggerred.

Honestly I'm running out of ideas what your problem might be. I also just noticed that your original question does not have reference to what error you were seeing anymore or was it just a screenshot of your automation log?


Here is the audit history. 

Please check from the Audit history is the email actually sent or not. That will get rid of lot of reasons if it is sent or not.


Here is the Audit History.

Hi, this is from the Automation monitor, not from the Editor > Manage > Monitor > Audit history.


Here is the Audit History, there is no record of mail been sent successfully or failure. OR is there somewhere i need to check that?

Now i discovered that when i try to PREVIEEW THE EMAIL BODY I am faced with this error.


I think this where the issue is coming from.
How do i go about resolving this?

I check PREVIEW EMAIL BODY for one of my apps that is not having the bot issue, i was able to view the Preview.

This is a weird error message as when sending the embedded email, you are not setting anything in the API level. I would file a support ticket as this could be a bug.

Thank you.

Would be expecting a favorable response..

Please any update on the Support Ticket Filed.

Hello @Iboy04 I think @AleksiAlkio would not have opened the Support ticket. I think you may need to open a support ticket.

Coming back to the original issue you reported, I wonder if it is anything related to Table Security. For the table in question, would you review it in the Data view: click on "Table Settings" (the disk icon with a gear at it's bottom right) --> Expand security and see if there is a "Security filter" configured? 


As a troubleshooting step, at the Bot event configuration, you could enable "Bypass Security Filters" and see if that helps.


@AleksiAlkio since yesterday it appears there are about three users that are experiencing this type of error apparently. Just for your knowledge I implemented a temporary bot to test this type of functionality and I did not encounter this error personally. Somewhat interesting though that there are multiple people experiencing this same error.

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