Editable IF

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Hi Experts,

I need some advice. I have a column for status ENUM TYPE. It has 3 values to choose "Approve" ,"Pending" ,"Reject".

It has an initial value of "Pending". What I would like to achieve is whenever the status change to "Approve" or "Reject". It cannot be edited anymore. IF the status still on "Pending" it can be edited.

Thank you in advance for advices.


0 3 125

Please try the following in editable_if of the enum column

[_THIS]= "Pending"

Thank you for reply. This is actually the first expression I used it doesnt work. 

I forgot to mentioned that this status column can be editable only thru email embed app. I created an automation email embed. In addition I added show if in status column

Status column Show if :


My main issue is once the approver approve or reject the status in there email. I dont want them to edit thru email the status.



Thank you. Well,  that is a very important point that you mentioned about bot in the latest post.

You may want to try a condition of [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Enum]="Pending",  in the event of the bot.

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