Email Automation Bot Editor Bug ?

I have created a bot that triggers an email. I have table App settings and a column with the type ENUMLIST . I use the expression shown in the below image in TO and REPLY TO. It works perfect and email is triggered when I use the expression in TO. But when I use the same copied expression in REPLY TO then it shows me an error. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here. Any suggestions will be helpful.


Screenshot 2022-10-25 at 7.25.16 PM.pngScreenshot 2022-10-25 at 7.25.29 PM.png

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Your observation is correct. I think the automation has been configured in such a way that it expects the "Reply To Email" as a single email address. Even in the description a singular noun is used rather than plural in case of Reply to description. It does accept a single email address.


On the other hand To and CC etc. seem to have been designed for multiple email addresses ( list) , going by the description and they accept list of email addresses.



Now it is matter of opinion that typically reply to is restricted to single person. But there could be definitely other opinions for multiple "Reply to " addresses and we could raise a feature request idea. But currently, it appears to be by design rather than a bug.

Reply-to being a single address is an internet convention, not an AppSheet limitation.

Thank you @Steve  for the confirmation.

Appreciate your attention to detail @Suvrutt_Gurjar. I think that's another limitation now.

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