Email for Bot Automation

Hello everyone, i have quite a complicated question regarding bot send email. 

Firstly, I have an apps which User can raise ticket if they have any issues.


Let's say in above image, me as an "Admin" add any comment/value inside "Interaction" area. How do i want only "Anatoliy" which is the one who issue the ticket receive the Push Notifications?

Same as admin, if "Anatoliy" put any comment/value inside "Interaction" area, how do i want only the one with "Admin" role can get Push Notification.

Attach below are the table and column for your kind references:


Above image is "Interaction" table which is Ref to "Ticket" table using Ticket ID column.


Above image is Ticket table.

How do I want to create the expressions in Bot? What type of expressions should I use?

Thank you in advance everyone.

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To receive push notifications, if 1 user have 1 email to use the appsheet, then you can use the email as the recipient in the process of the bot by running a task. 


However if your users are sharing the same email it might be a bit hard since the notifications can only use email unless you ask for their private mail address and put that column inside the To functions of the bot.

For this question: Same as admin, if "Anatoliy" put any comment/value inside "Interaction" area, how do i want only the one with "Admin" role can get Push Notification.

I would suggest you to use email too, same like above if your users with 'admin' role are sharing the same email then you could use the email directly if not create a condition that will differentiate by role inside the bot in To function for example
IF([role]=admin, [email], false). 

Above is just some ideas i could give you since I do not know fully about your system. All the best!



For my system, no email sharing is allowed. Only 1 user for 1 email.

And as of now, I already have an email bot which send notifications and email to admins if the user issue a ticket.

But now i try to be specific, which only the ticket issuer can received notification if admin commented in the "interactions".

So the issue i have now is how do i create to expression so that when admin commented in the "interaction", a notification will send to the ticket issuer.

Btw thank you for your time and explanation. Appreciate that.

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