Email template expression

Hi People, 

Im sorry for asking this as Im sure its a ridiculously simple fix, Ive tried "SELECT" and [_THISROW] and multiple other variations over the last couple of hours. 
This is referencing my "Timesheet" table where I have a column [Project} which is the same as [Project Number] in the "Projects" table.
So I just want to display (Projects[Client]) and (Projects[Project]) where (Projects[Project Number]) is the same as [Project]



<<START:Projects[Project Number]>>
<<[Project Number].[Client]>>
<<[Project Number].[Project]>>



 Any help please...🙄

I should mention, that the above expression pulls all values from Projects[Client] and Projects[Project]

0 2 54

Maybe this?

<<START: FILTER( Projects , [Project Number] = [_THISROW].[Project] )>>

Thankyou so much!! 😁

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