Enable both manual input and scannable option in same field

Hi All,

Does anyone know how I can still manually input a number when it has been set to a scannable field? When adding jobs, we have a barcoded Ticket Number. however, we still need to be able to add jobs when the ticket does not contain a barcode.


Any ideas greatly received.

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@TeneoBI wrote:

how I can still manually input a number when it has been set to a scannable field

I'm not familiar with scannable fields and, so, don't know whether that's possible. Nonetheless, you can certainly create a second field where you can manually enter a number. You can hide and even automatically clear that field if the scannable field has an entry. Then, you can create a third field that uses an App formula to return the value from whichever of the other fields is populated.

Thank you for your reply. I had thought about this, but I don't want a workaround for a bug, I'm after the correct way to set up the scannable field so that input is still possible manually. 

There is no point having a scannable field which prohibits manual typing, since what happens if the barcode is unreadable?

Again, I don't know whether what you observe is a bug nor the standard way to accomplish your obviously sensible need.

In a quick search for "scan" in AppSheet help, I immediately found explanation of a setting to Allow scan input override. Maybe that helps you.

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