Enable preview new features or not?

What's your experience with enabling preview new features?

Does it really get unstable? What dependencies does this have?;

Data source archive? number of users? deployed not deployed? what kind of information are you login? complexity of formulas / ref tables? starter / core / enterprise plan? security filters?

When is it recommended to enable the preview new features and when not?



1 3 226

It is a wide gamut!  Some preview features have been in place for, what seems like, years and are quite stabile.  While others are relatively new. 

Taking the most practical line, no preview features should be used in live production apps. 

But having said that, there are many, MANY apps that can benefit from the preview features - if they are available to the deployed app.  You will have to test them and use your best judgement 

I am not aware of any major issues caused by items in preview.  The most critical testing has been done before they go to preview.  If anything should cause a problem, there is almost always a workaround of some sort.  One the of the benefits of a platform like AppSheet is that you can change and re-deploy your app on the fly to get updates out quickly and with very little, if any, impact to the active users.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@frankarv wrote:

When is it recommended to enable the preview new features and when not?

I recommend using preview features ONLY in non-production apps AND when you and your users are willing and able to provide feedback on the preview features to the AppSheet developers.

non-production = not deployed?

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