Enum List in Table View

I have a table that has a an enum list of investable indices and products that contain the index. In my view I want to be able to group them by the individual product in the enum list. How do I write an expression to do this? I cannot figure it out

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I'm afraid you can't do that. It would need to show the same row twice, which is not possible.

I was not sure if an index contains products or the opposite.

However just assuming that an index contains products, you can create a dashboard where when you select a product then the indices contained in the product are shown. (not sure if this is what you want either...)


TeeSee- What I am trying to do is group by the individual product and not by all of the products that contain the index as it is showing below:

Screenshot 2023-10-24 143825.png

In the products table create a VC with the following expression (adapt the names to fit your definition) and make is a list of texts

 INDEX[name of the index],
  [enumlist col containing products]

 You should see lists of indexes associated with each product in a table view of the products table like 


Not exactly 'grouped' by product but should be able to see the indices associated.

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