Enum Ref List - Add an new item


I have a field set as an Enum Ref type. I'd love to be able to scan, search and select an item or simply type anything I want in the field.


The scan and search are working as expected. 

Only free text isn't. Is it possible to have a free entry in this field?


0 7 248

What is free text?

I meant typing something not in the list.

Then Ref work will not be there...

You are right. I am running into problems.

I still need to solve my issue.

I wish to be able to scan, search and enter any other text. I cannot manage to do them all.

This is my Stock List table:


Item_Both combines both Item_Code and Item_Name. This gives me the search functionality I need in the below form.


If I have Item code set as Enum base type Ref, I achieve scan and search without issues.

As soon as I set it as Enum base type Test I lose the search functionality and and it Allows other values.

I want to be able to do them both. Is this possible?


Do you have any valid if expression? It may prevent addition of new values....


No, I do not



To answer my own issue:

I changed the base type to text and revised the suggested type to Item_Both in my table. This is a virtual field which combines the code and description of the item and is marked as label.



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