
Good morning, I come to ask for help, I am making an "enum" with 10 values, but the 10 values โ€‹โ€‹will be used even, today when I throw 2 times for the value, "Enum" edit the existing value, I would like you to just put it several times as a new value (same as a database).

Can someone help me?

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I'm not sure I quite understand the question, however if you are asking if the contents of an Enum can be stored and edited in a table, then the answer is yes. You need to set the type of the enum to be ref, then it will be able to show the list from another table. If in that table you have for example an ID column and Label column, then it will be possible to modify the labels at a later date and all existing records would reflect that modification.


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Learn about references, when to create them, and how to use them so your data makes sense.

I would like to know how to make an "enum" be sent multiple times.
Example, I put a question with 3 "enum" for answer, I will send 4 different answers with the same "enum" and it saves the 4 answers

I'm sorry I still don't understand what you're trying to do. Could you provide some screen shots or similar? You can of course have an Enum with three options, if you want the user to only be able to select one option at a time you use Enum, if you want them to be able to select multiple options you would use EnumList. But I don't know what you mean by sending 4 different answers. Can you show your form?

Here I put an enum for the item "colaborador"



So when it has an answer it stores it in a spreadsheet


But every time I put another answer for the "colaborador" "ADELAR JOSE SLAVIERO" instead of him going down a line and having 2 answers, he modifies the first one.
I need him to save as many answers as he has with the same name "ADELAR JOSE SLAVIERO"


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