EnumList populated via Ref doesn't let me have buttons unless I do something stupid

I have an EnumList populated via a reference to a column in a different table. I am using the native AppSheet database, not spreadsheets. This is what that looks like in the raw data(base):



It forces me to check "allow other values", I don't know why. I am aware that this is probably the thing preventing the form view from showing buttons rather than the default dropdown.

If I click "Add value" I can populate the list one by one and then uncheck "Allow other values". This is a pretty stupid workaround though so I'm hoping someone knows of a better way.

Solved Solved
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Solved my own problemโ€”I think this is one of those things that is very hard to search for because it's so basic no one thinks to write about it if they know it. My initial values formula referenced the label column instead of the key.

You think to yourself "Well I want it to show words so I'll link to the words", but that's a mistake. As an EnumList with the type of Ref the text is just a facade over what's really there, which frankly I should have realised when I added the options manually via the database. If you do that and look at the values it's gibberish that I assume is the unique ID from each added ref row. Therefore you want the suggested values to be generating a complete list of said gibberish AKA Row IDs or keys, which is very easy. Just select the key column from the referenced table in the expression assistant.

View solution in original post


I realized what the problem was. You should not use enum and reference types together when creating a data type. Because the type of column you reference is probably not an enum. You should only select the reference data type as the only type, or you should use the reference data type with text. Hello,
I realized what the problem was. You should not use enum and reference types together when creating a data type. Because the type of column you reference is probably not an enum. You should only select the reference data type as the only type, or you should use the reference data type with text. If your problem is solved, please let me know.r1.jpgr2.jpg

I tried using suggested values as some other posts have mentioned which gives me buttons. They are upset buttons though, with an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle



Solved my own problemโ€”I think this is one of those things that is very hard to search for because it's so basic no one thinks to write about it if they know it. My initial values formula referenced the label column instead of the key.

You think to yourself "Well I want it to show words so I'll link to the words", but that's a mistake. As an EnumList with the type of Ref the text is just a facade over what's really there, which frankly I should have realised when I added the options manually via the database. If you do that and look at the values it's gibberish that I assume is the unique ID from each added ref row. Therefore you want the suggested values to be generating a complete list of said gibberish AKA Row IDs or keys, which is very easy. Just select the key column from the referenced table in the expression assistant.

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