Error: Data table 'PO Items' is not accessible due to: An error occurred while fetching rows from Ap

Hi guys - I am working on an app and about to deploy it to my team on Monday.  Today, as I was working in AppSheet, I noticed my app stopped syncing.  When I checked, it gave me the following info:

Error: Data table 'PO Items' is not accessible due to: An error occurred while fetching rows from AppSheet database.

The weird part is that I wasn't working on/in PO Items or any related table.  That table exists in my Purchasing database and I didn't even have it up. 

I have tried:

  • Regenerating the table - it fails every time and says "Your changes couldn't be saved."
  • I've removed the table from the AppSheet admin interface.  That caused new errors and I had to remove a couple views tied to it.  Instead of it clearing the issue and the app coming up, I got the same message but this time with a different table name in a different database.  
  • I've tried deleting the table and recreating it with the same name and new info.  Same error is present.

I have opened a ticket with AppSheet support, but I'm curious if any of you are having trouble today?  Is this a system issue?  Or did I bork something and just can't see it.  This one is super frustrating. 


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I´m having the same issue.
Did you have any response?

Ditto. It appears to be finding tables referenced outside of AppSheet, but not my AppSheet database tables that I use for user management. I can rebuild them outside of AppSheet, but that's incredibly time-consuming. It'd be nice to know if this is a Google error that is being addressed. Looks like the comment was from Friday and AppSheet's status page doesn't show any issues.  

**Scratch that. Worked at first, but upon a refresh the error returned. Same as before**

I talked to Google chat and found a "solution", but no answers to what the issue is. They tried to gaslight me into thinking it was a problem on my end, even though I haven't touched that table in a while. They think it's related to security settings; but, again, I haven't touched it in forever. 

To fix: go to your database list in the main AppSheet account screen. Go into the database that hosts the corrupted table. Right click the table title, and copy with rows. Then go back into the app, table settings for the one with the error, and connect to the copied table instead. Worked for me. 

I had the same problem as you, on Friday my app was working correctly. This morning, however, it can no longer connect to a table. The very strange thing is that the same table is used by two other apps that are working correctly. (Already released)
I tried the solution that @MTKPA indicated, but it did not work for me...

I hope the support can solve the problem as soon as possible.

We are also having this issue since Friday where appsheet is throwing an error "Unable to fetch app definition Error:Error: Data table "<table_name>" is not accessible due to: An error pccured while fetching rows from AppSheet database. This was working fine before Friday and no changes were made whatsoever on our end.

Hi everyone, I got a reply from tech support, giving me this solution that worked for me:
Please re-add the table source by following the path as mentioned: Data >> Table >> Storage >> Source Path >> Browse more data >> Select sheet >> Save the app.
I then created a copy of the tables that were giving me problems in Google Sheets and then performed the procedure written above.
However, I would like to know why this problem arose and if it is possible to use Appsheet Database again instead of Google Sheets...

@GuaLor Did this work long-term? They had me do the same and it worked for a moment, then it stopped again after another sync. 

Hello @MTKPA,
I made the changes this morning and since then the app has been working properly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope it doesn't break again....

This fix isn't working for me as of this morning.  When I try to reconnect to my databases, AppSheet doesn't see them. This is so beyond frustrating. 

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.07.07 AM.png

@GuaLor @bscameheorn @ryanasmith @Lbscare 

After Google dev support elevated to their "specialists" yesterday, I got a reply this AM stating it has been fixed. I asked for more info and they replied:

"It was a backend issue and multiple users were facing the same issue. It is now resolved for everyone, no changes were needed at your end."

Post here if the problem still exists so the rest of us can anticipate another breakdown. 

I got a notice from Support that my issues was resolved.

HOWEVER....I spent the entire weekend rebuilding my app from scratch - new databases, new app - because I was launching this to my team on Monday.  

We did the launch, it worked beautifully yesterday. Came in this morning and the EXACT same thing is happening with AppSheet...on my brand new app with brand new databases.  First day using it for my team and we're starting the day down.  I am so BEYOND frustrated at the moment.  

Update: the fix mentioned above isn't working today either.  When I try to reconnect my database, AppSheet doesn't even seen them.  

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.07.07 AM.png

I am still seeing this issue, but not for all users, which is strange.

Same here. Anything that is based off of an AppSheet Database does not show. You can navigate to the database using the "DATA SOURCE" button, but the app itself does not see it. 

It may be an addressing issue in the source ID.  The (auto-generated) source ID from within the app using "Table Settings" (asterisks **** substituted for characters because I'm paranoid. lol) reads: 


If you click on the "Data Source" button, however, and open a tab for the database (which thankfully is still there), that actual URL is:*********pr4/table/0lUQwu-8L94Ge124****nbs

I can't remove the "s" from the Source ID as it's auto-generated to see if that is the issue, but from my standpoint it looks like someone removed (or added) an "S" somewhere and it's causing the databases to be invisible to the App. 


I'm having the same issue. Changing the data source did not work for me as Appsheet is failing to load new sources, whether it was the original source or a copy. Very frustrating as I was supposed to present this app today.

My issue seemed to resolve itself. I didn't do anything.

tengo el mismo problema y ya intente de todo para solucionarlo pero nada funciono , se supone que hoy tengo auditoria de calidad y esto me va a fastidiar demasiado , por favor si alguien encuentra una solución avíseme a ver si me funciona . muchas gracias 

I have the same problem since Friday. The support team has reviewed the case; however, we see no progress or solutions. We noticed that the issue in our case is related to the columns that in the AppSheet database engine are configured as "ref" type, meaning the engine has trouble maintaining relationships between tables. Please note that when we use Google Sheets, AppSheet manages the references.

The support team changed the columns to text type, and the data contained in them was lost. We couldn't get our app to work.

This appears to be resolved for me now.  

Similar to Girp23, I have a table that's linked to a google sheet (one of the few non-DBs I have) and it was totally jacked up, keeping the app down.  I deleted that table and added it back and it worked.  But I had to rebuild the views and actions.  This is a mess.

We have managed to completely resolve the issue. We initially thought that the problem with our tables arose from the columns that are of type ref within the configuration of the AppSheet databases. However, after analyzing the error, we found that it is indeed a permissions issue. It seems that the database requires each user to have access to it, with specific settings. Unlike connections with other engines, in this case, each authenticated user must have access to the database. We initially granted read permission to test, and this solved the problem.

We suggest assigning permission to a user and then testing the synchronization. I am attaching an image of the button we used in the database view to assign access.

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