Error: Problem Connecting to the SQL server database

User received this error when adding records to a table (via. import CSV action). 



After closing down and re-opening the error went away but curious as to why it had appeared/what it means. 



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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

I've encountered similar error messaging but there can be a lot of causes.

One cause could be that the SQL table or view references a table or view that's schema is not accessible by the app. 

Another cause could be on the AppSheet side of things where there is an issue between the app developer's permissions to a team's data source. When I stumbled on this issue it took AppSheet support almost a week to track down and fix.

Another issue could be that someone is working on the SQL database and using a "Begin Transaction" statement on the Order Details table to do some data changes. When a table has a pending transaction statement it will be inaccessible until the transaction is complete.

Thanks for the response. We wouldnt be using Begin transactions we normally open the tables and use the WHERE statement to find specific records and make changes if necessary. Are you saying having the data open at all in SQL could potentially cause issues like this or otherwise?

Most of the time when we make large data changes in SQL, we'll start it with a "BEGIN TRANSACTION" and then perform the data change. We'll then double check our work and if things look correct we can use the "COMMIT TRANSACTION". But if the change query wasn't correct then we can use "ROLLBACK TRANACTION" to revert the changes. But before either "COMMIT TRANSACTION" or "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" is executed the SQL table or view cannot be accessed. There are some funny anecdotes of people starting a transaction, forgetting they didn't commit it, and then getting errors from users that the data base is down >.< 


I only brought it up because you said that the error resolved itself when you refreshed so maybe your user tried to load the app at the exact time that someone was cleaning some stuff up.

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