Error -app not loading but not showing any error in editor

Hi guys, hope you all doing well.

This is the error message:

The GLLIAccounting-516273 app did not load successfully. Please contact the app creator.
Unable to fetch app definition. Error:String was not recognized as a valid DateTime./n
I have no idea where to start looking to solve this. Please help
Thank you
0 14 256

Try finding any columns with DateTime column type and go to Data -> Table -> View Data/View Source and check if it's showing the correct data

Thank you for the reply. I have tried what you suggested and find that some tables give that error message when I choose the <View Data> option. So it doesn't show the data but just that same error. I made sure that these tables have a good source and I regenerated there structure. But no luck, still getting that error. Please help?

Check the format of the DateTime in your Source.

Thank you June, I went through all tables and source files and set all datetime field to the correct format. I found in one datetime column of the source file some none date taxt and removed it and thought that was it but nope, still same problem. 

There is about 5 tables that give that error when I want to do a "View Data". All I get is this:

Error: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. ?

Please don't give up on me, I do not want to rebuild this whole app.

Have you tried regenerating the tables after you check the data in your source file?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please post a screenshot of the error message.

Does the app editor itself display any error messages? if so, please post a screenshot of them as well.

I suspect you're going to end up having to engage Support for help with this. The error message suggests an internal problem.

Hi Guys, thanks for looking into this.

Yes, June, I regenerated all the tables giving the error when doing a View Data.

Thanks Steve, here the screenshots. 



And this is when doing a View Data on some of the tables. About 5 tables give this error while the others are fine.


I will also contact support.







I've encountered this problem before. If I remember it correctly, I've cleared the data in all of the DateTime columns, refresh the app, and it ran successfully. I found out that there's something wrong in the format of the data in my source and DateTime is saved as Longtext not mm/dd/yyyy.

What is your source please? Is it Google Sheets?

Yes, Google Sheets


Here's a trick to sanitize your google sheet, looking for invalid and blank date or dateTime values that might be causing this error, and make them easily identifiable:

  1. Select the whole table, copy, go to the cell A1, then from the Edit menu choose to Paste Values only, or press Ctrl-Shift-V on Windows, Cmd-Shift-V on Mac.

  2. Afterwards, add a new temporary column to your sheet. In the first row of this column write this formula:


    where RC is the cell that contains your dateTime value. For example, if you are in row number 2, and your dateTime column is B, then you should replace RC by B2

  3. Copy and paste this formula in the same temporary column to all rows. 

This formula will return a result that is either TRUE if the corresponding cell contains a valid date or dateTime value, or FALSE if it contains an invalid or a blank value. 

You can then use the sheet filtering and/or conditional formatting to show only/highlight rows with FALSE values, which will enable you to easily locate and correct the corresponding values accordingly. 

Then, remove this temporary column from your sheet and try again with AppSheet. 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I think @JuneCorpuz is on the right track.

Make sure the date-time values in your data source are formatted properly as valid date-time values. There should be no non-blank, non-date-time values in that column at all.

Delete all blank rows and columns in your worksheet. Delete, don't just clear.

Explicitly clear all seemingly-blank cells in the column of the worksheet, to ensure any formulas and hidden characters are removed.

Highlight the entire date-time column and set the entire column's format to plain text. Inspect every value of the column to ensure it matches the required date-time value format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS. Note very carefully that the month number (MM) comes before the day number (DD). If reversed, the value may not be a valid date-time.

Thanks June and Steve, I did this already but will double check.

I did this again now, no luck. Lets see if support can have any suggestions. Thank you

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