Error message displayed when deploying apps from free account

The error message that I'm writing about in this post looks like this:

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 10.04.53.png

I ALWAYS get this error when I deploy sample / template apps, even when following the correct procedure I've outlined in my own "tip" on how to publish apps as templates:

It has been my experience that I can ignore this message when I'm sure that I've followed the proper steps.  But, I thought I'd write about this to ask why we get errors even when we're not doing anything wrong.  Even as an experienced sharer of sample apps, error messages ("Pay up! You can't do this on a free plan!") cause some anxiety. And, of course, I think they cause a lot more anxiety for people who are attempting to publish free samples for the first time. So here's my question: Is there anyone out there who is on a free plan who has been able to publish a template on your portfolio page without having this error message displayed?  If so, how?  
And here a related question, if I can confirm that this is a problem with the AppSheet platform, not my usage, how do I convey that to AppSheet? Is "Feature Ideas" the proper venue?
Finally, a comment: I'm a big fan of the AppSheet platform, but one pet peeve of mine is that it's rather unfriendly (not intentionally, of course) to user-generated content.  For example, user-made templates cannot be searched easily as official AppSheet templates can. In this regard, I'd like AppSheet to be more like YouTube in promoting, recognizing, and valuing user-generated content.

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I get the same error.

I simply ignore it, 

Thanks for the confirmation.  Now I'd like contact AppSheet about getting rid of this meaningless error.  I wonder if I should go through Support.

I don't know we free plan users get any official support from Google

It is annoying but it's not doing any harm.

So I simply choose to ignore it.

I would rather have them spending time fixing other things., ๐Ÿ™‚

I think your position is reasonable but I think that better promotion and utilization of user-created content would be good for the platform in the same way that this community is good for the platform.  In that sense, I'd like to see them encourage and support people who are publishing app templates that others can use and refer to.

For deployed sample app I just disable "Require user signin"

Never done that before.

Does it stop the error?

I am away and cannot try it.

Yes, it stops the error ๐Ÿ™‚

Wow!  Let me check on that.  This may indeed be a solution. 

Just tried it.

It works!!

Thanks to both @Joseph_Seddik and @TeeSee1 for your help.  I tried it as follows:

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 21.40.11.png

Turning off "Require user signin" required me to turn on the two settings you see below.

The sample was fine and I was able to copy it into another account.  When copied, the new copied app has the normal "Require user signin?" set to on, which is good.  One minor issue I noticed is that I wasn't able to change the name of the app during the copying process:

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 21.42.14.png

Note that "Copy app" is greyed out, even after I tried to revert to the original name of the app.  This is unacceptable for me.

So, I'm inclined to accept what @Joseph_Seddik  pointed out to me as the "solution" because he taught me something I didn't know.  But, I don't want the people at AppSheet to think "no problem" because they see a solution.  I still think AppSheet needs to fix this.  That's the dilemma a feel right now.



@Kirk_Masden I'm glad it worked for you my friend, just that ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


Thanks!  By the way, here's the current template app that has the settings shown above (recommended by @Joseph_Seddik ) :
I don't think anyone reading this thread actually needs to copy it, but if you start the process of copying it and then try changing the name, I think you'll find that the copy link becomes invalid.
Also, I'd like to thank Joseph and @Steve for their latest posts but the platform won't let me thank anyone anymore.  I'm all thanked out in this thread.  ๐Ÿ˜‰

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