Error only on mobile and tablet view, works normally on browser view

Hi there,

I've encountered this problem twice now.

In the middle of my work, I saved it then the mobile view and table view had an error like this:


I've checked all my tables, columns, behaviors, workflows, etc, and nothing seems to be wrong (Also have no error notifications). But if I open this app on browser view, the app works perfectly.

0 3 146

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Are you using an Excel spreadsheet as a data source?

Yes, That is correct. Is this a problem with the API of Appsheet and Google Spreadsheet?.

And turns out, the app at browser view. Doesn't work either. the app can open but can not add, edit, or delete data.

Excel spreadsheets do not like being shared. If using an Excel spreadsheet for an app, the ONLY user of the spreadsheet should be AppSheet. Anyone or anything else that opens the spreadsheet will interfere with AppSheet's access and cause problems. For instance, if you open the spreadsheet in Excel while at the same time open the app in your browser, you're going to have problems.

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