Error : {"Type":null,"Title":"An error occured:

need help whit this message i'am receveing

{"Type":null,"Title":"An error occured: CachingFramework.DistributedLockException","Status":500,"Detail":"Unable+to+acquire+distributed+lock+for+category%3a+%27CachedObjectLock%27","Instance":null,"Extensions":{"traceId":"c6b3b74dc6688b3eb4979890cdee1629"}}

any one 


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Google Developer Expert


{"Type":null,"Title":"An error occured: CachingFramework.DistributedLockException","Status":500,"Detail":"Unable+to+acquire+distributed+lock+for+category%3a+%27CachedObjectLock%27","Instance":null,"Extensions":{"traceId":"26b328b0721caba1717d95cbd67ef3bd"}}

@Roderick @lizlynch @Arthur_Rallu 

I will issue a ticket, feel free to reach me out in PM.

@WandersonFPC I suggest you issue a ticket as well, here:


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

nothing. Just update the app settings in the app editor.

One client of mine called me because a user reported him an error, but in his case there was no change.

Escalating! Thank you for reporting! Apologies for the inconvenience.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

It just went back to normal. And so was it for my client this morning.

@WandersonFPC , how is it on your side?

 back to normal here too 👍


Thanks for letting us know!

We have this error since 2-3 days. It is affecting sometimes randomly all of our apps/users and in the next moment/hour it is good again. It is back since today, please escalate this error. We will continue pushing the support on this

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

@lizlynch happening again with another client, another domain.

Feel free to reach me out on PM if necessary 🙂

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

@lizlynch and one more. This time, the message that is displayed is "Connection timed out. Please wait a moment and ty again".

I saw this message on the app that were bugged earlier as well.

EDIT : and one more again now. It's 3 apps, 3 accounts, 2 domains.

Can you keep us updated on the current rollout that's making this happen?

Thank you in advance

@Aurelien Thank you for alerting us. The AppSheet team is aware of it and working on a fix. Will keep you posted. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

@Aurelien This should be fixed. Please let us know if you continue to experience any problems. Thanks again for your patience!

Thank you @lizlynch  for keeping us updated. I will let you know 🙂


Hello ! @lizlynch 
I have the same issue. I have tried to look at the monitoring of Bot and the message appeared Capture.PNG

@Jacquouille Thank you! Passing this information on to the AppSheet dev team. 

Got the following answer from the Appsheet support. 

We understand your issue regarding "DistributedLockException blocking apps."

The DistributedLockException occurs when multiple current sessions are trying to access the same large object in the backend.

A most common issue is when one of the management reports is still being generated while users keep trying to click the download button or calling the download API multiple times.

I would like to inform you that certain actions, such as report generation, may take time to complete.Please hold off on retrying and give it a few minutes.

However, if you have any other issue that needs further assistance, feel free to connect by replying back to this email or via chat.


Asking users to use the app differently is not an option, such errors need to be handled on appsheet server side. We had to stop using appsheet internally due to this errors, it is too risky to use it in a production environment at the moment.

Please keep us posted on the issue, we need to be sure that the issue is fixed before putting the app back live.


@phill wrote:

Asking users to use the app differently is not an option, such errors need to be handled on appsheet server side. 

I agree 100%.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

@phill wrote:

The DistributedLockException occurs when multiple current sessions are trying to access the same large object in the backend.

A most common issue is when one of the management reports is still being generated while users keep trying to click the download button or calling the download API multiple times.

Would this mean that we should deactivate Quick Sync and Server caching option while it is not secured on this part? @lizlynch 

What do we have to understand by "the same large object in the backend." Is a table with 10 000 rows and 10 columns is large for appsheet ? 

My app is deployed and used by twenty of people every day; so we can't scale with appsheet ?  


we did not have the issue since almost a week. Did the error occurred on your side or was it fixed in the backend?

Hi @phill , 

I don't have also this error anymore

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