Error when cloning an App

i have an App that someone set me as a co-author. now when i am trying to copy it and after sometime it gives me the attached error. could anyone help?

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Have you checked that the original app is not in an error stage?

yes the original one is deployed and working. they copied it and shared the copied version with me

Does this app has lot of data?

yes, it has a big amount of data

Sometimes it helps if you temporary remove records away so it would lighter to copy.

but if i canโ€™t do that? is there another way to do it?

Take a copy of that gSheet, delete all data from it and then change the data sources for that already copied app. Then you can probably take a copy of it because there is no data. When thatโ€™s done, put the correct data source back.

Okay, thanks i will try that

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