Excel formula for new record not copying down correctly

New Member

I am fairly new to appsheet, but my app is coming along nicely. I have searched for an answer, but can’t seem to find one. My app is connected to a simple excel file. When adding a new record for one of my tables it fails to correctly copy down the formulas for a few fields.
The formula for existing records is:
The formula for a record created by appsheet:

If I just delete the “ArrayFormula” from the formula it works, but why doesn’t it just copy the formula as it is in the record above it?

0 2 166

New Member

Anyone have any thoughts? I still can’t seem to find an answer to this. It seems like I am missing something basic.

Not every Google sheet formula can be converted into a column-based formula in AppSheet. Please refer to the articles below for some details on what is supported.

Personally, I avoid ALL sheet formulas. Everything can be done within the AppSheet App. Of course, it all depends on what your end goals are.

I hope this helps!

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