Excluding values ​​from another table with UX view

Good day. There was a problem when creating a slice based on the results of a condition from another sheet. It is required to display in UX only those values ​​that are not repeated in the first sheet. Please tell me how can I do this?

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Hello, If i understand correctly you want to display the values from table A that are not present in table B, if this is correct, It can be done using list substraction or expressions like intersect() or in(), for example, considering the slice condition resides in table A:


                 Table B[filterColumnB]


You could replace the column and table names and give that a try, OR if you could share some info about your app structure I could attempt to provide an exact solution, in any case, let me know if this helps you.

View solution in original post

INTERSECT() only returns the values that are common to both lists, so it should return a blank value when there's no match, so ISBLANK() should return TRUE for that row, maybe try replacing the first argument of INTERSECT() with this:


View solution in original post


Hello, If i understand correctly you want to display the values from table A that are not present in table B, if this is correct, It can be done using list substraction or expressions like intersect() or in(), for example, considering the slice condition resides in table A:


                 Table B[filterColumnB]


You could replace the column and table names and give that a try, OR if you could share some info about your app structure I could attempt to provide an exact solution, in any case, let me know if this helps you.

Hello, Here it is displayed at the moment only duplicate values. You want to display values ​​that are different from those in the ~history table

INTERSECT() only returns the values that are common to both lists, so it should return a blank value when there's no match, so ISBLANK() should return TRUE for that row, maybe try replacing the first argument of INTERSECT() with this:


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