Exporting appsheet audit logs

Is there an API or an other efficient way of exporting any app's audit logs?

Currently, it's possible to export logs but this approach has different challenges;

  1. Small period: this would be enough if your app has a few users because the logs wouldn't be many and it would be easy to look into them but when your app have many users, it's somehow useless. Example: we have an app that has more than 2k users and if you view logs, you only get logs for like an hour due to the limit of 1000 logs that can be displayed.
  2. Not efficient due a lot of downloads: we want to build a dashboard that helps ensuring that users are doing regular syncs to prevent data loss due to delayed syncs and this is practically impossible as we would need to export/download the logs for example every hour or so.
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With the AppSheeet Enterprise subscription you have that possibility.

I have Enterprise subscription and I able to download the logs but facing the challenges I mentioned above (as an example, I just exported the logs now which gave me the top 1000 and those are just 2 minutes). 


Let me know if there is any other I can get more than that and it doesn't require me to download.

With the Enterprise subscription, you should be able to download the logs via API. Not through the Audit history.

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