Expression Check - One Value Not Writing to Table ?

I need a second set of eyes to help figure out what i am missing. I have an expression in an action/behavior that when clicked opens up a form. it should transfer a few values from the current record to the the secondary table, and allow the end user to manually enter some other data.

The expression in the behavior is:

linktoform("Echo_Form","_patientIdentifier",[_THISROW].[_patientIdentifier],"Patient Name",[_THISROW].[Full Name])

And the form works, it does save data to the secondary table. HOWEVER, the _patientIdentifier is not being recorded, and the _patientIdentifier is the primary key for the patient in this app, so the subsequent records are not being properly tied to the patient via ref.

This is the result of my test from yesterday (dummy patient, no real data here)


what am i doing wrong here?

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In that table, i did not have the patient identifier marked as editable. I changed that and it is writing properly now! So at this point, i will just get the form to not SHOW the patient identifier, and just show the virtual column i made that shows the actual name so the provider can get visual verification that this is for the correct patient.

View solution in original post


Remove the [_THISROW]s

would you mind explaining why? It has worked in previous forms, so why wouldn't it work here? 

meanwhile, i'mma try making that change and will report back shortly.

A LINKTOFORM expression doesn't have a change in context, like a SELECT would, so using [_THISROW] is completely unnecessary, Sometimes using it when it is unnecessary makes it not work right.

still no luck. There has got to be a typo or something somewhere that i am missing ๐Ÿค”


Beats me.


In that table, i did not have the patient identifier marked as editable. I changed that and it is writing properly now! So at this point, i will just get the form to not SHOW the patient identifier, and just show the virtual column i made that shows the actual name so the provider can get visual verification that this is for the correct patient.

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