Expression Not Yielding Expected Results, Need Help Troubleshooting

I created a virtual column this morning to make a bit of a header for the purpose of grouping patients in a certain view based on dialysis location (thanks, @Aurelien , for the assist). It is/was working but i noted that some patients didn't have a proper location documented in their dialysis schedule. 

Those patients are properly grouped, but the header for the group simply showed a blank. I came up with this expression:


LOOKUP([_THISROW].[_patientIdentifier], "Dialysis","_patientIdentifier","Dialysis Location")),
LOOKUP([_THISROW].[_patientIdentifier], "Dialysis","_patientIdentifier","Dialysis Location")


when i test the expression, the results show what i am expecting:


it actually shows "Unknown" if the location is blank.


what have i done wrong?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @mykrobinson 

I think your expression is correct.

However, I would dig on the dialysis location, in the DIALYSIS table. Is it possible that the location may be empty for some reason?

that's the thing, just as with the test, i would expect the grouping head to show "Unknown" if the location is blank, but its not happening. The test button yields the result i expect to show up

It seems it is not considering it as blank. If it was, I would expect to see either "(blank)" or "Unknown".

Would it be possible that you have the value with just a single space instead a blank in the cell value, like " "?

thinking out loud, but it seems the easiest fix for this is for the providers to correct the locations for these patients ๐Ÿ˜‚

I mean, dialysis does have to happen somewhere ๐Ÿค”

yes ๐Ÿคฃ

you may want to tick the "require" option for the location. No more trouble ๐Ÿ™‚

I would also check that the option Settings > Data > Legacy > Blank value comparison mode is set as "Consistent"

just checked and it is already set to consistent.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@mykrobinson wrote:

I came up with this expression:

More efficient:


      "Dialysis Location"
  - LIST("")

Or potentially even:

  + [Related Dialysis][Dialysis Location]
  + LIST("Unknown")
  - LIST("")


@mykrobinson wrote:

what have i done wrong?

I'd guess you aren't grouping by the virtual column.

It's definitely grouped by the virtual column:


I'll try your method above and see if it pulls "Unknown"

Forgive me for not getting it, but if it shows "Unknown" when testing the formula, i still cannot understand why its not already pulling in the view.

What is the column type for Dialysis Location?

sorry for the delayed response. It's Text



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