
Hi Guys!

Hope all of you are doing fine.

I have two tables as follows.

Table 1    Table2   
KeyColTab1Col1Col2Col3 KeyColTabl2Col1Col2Col4

It can be seen there are two common columns (Col1 & Col2).  I need to create a virtual column in the Table 2. I need to see the value of col3 from table2 when Col1 and Col2 is same between two tables. I used the following expression in the virtual column formula of Table2-

LOOKUP(concatenate(Col1, Col2),"Table1", concatenate(Col1, Col2),"Col3")

But it doesnt work, Please help to shoot the error.

Thanks and Regards.

0 28 566

 I believe the issue is that the third parameter of LOOKUP should be one of the cols of Table 1.

Try using SELECT instead

  AND([col1]=[_thisrow].[col1], [col2]=[_thisrow].[col2])

Thanks Tee. Actually, I tried this way also. However, let me check again. In SQL it is very simple, but here I can not do yet. Get back again.


Hi Tee! I have tried again following your suggestion. Actually, I tried it before. It should work but it doesn't work. I dont know. Please help me. I need it to work. It is very basic. But I am undone. Very upset.๐Ÿ˜ญ

Can you post the result of the Test button from the expression assistant?

Hi @SkrOYC ! Thanks for your response.

Do you mean the data set I am getting?




My result is big. I dont know how can i send you.


Please find it.

You had mentioned two columns being compared in the first post. In the expression there seems to be just one column. Could you share details why so?

Thanks Gurjar. Actualy there are two columns but, it was concatenated. I have tried it keeping them separated also. I concatenated as I used LOOKUP. Also applied SELECT but the result is same.

Thank you. You may want to check your concatenation expression and column type in the two tables are identical. The column 1 , Column 2 , Column 3 , Column 4 types are identical.

A quick testing with similar test set up showed that it works correctly as expected with the expressions you have or colleagues have suggested previously.

Table 2 with test results

Concatenate Test.png

Edit: Minor edits to the description.

Gurjar, Thanks a lot. I agree, but I dont know it doesnt work as I have already uploaded the test result. In my case the targeted column is boolean. In my case sometimes it shows only the true and the other one is blank. I am so upset.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your time. I will see again.

Got it. Can you please try by wrapping with ANY() such as ANY(SELECT.....  ) around your SELECT() statement?

ANY(SELECT(Assess_Basic[AssessAssignedToStudents], [SemDescCourseCode]= [_THISROW].[SemDescCourseCode]))

Also since you are using Boolean value this means , I believe the table 1 from where you are getting this value should have only one row that has this column value of TRUE or FALSE. or else if SELECT() returns a list of combination of TRUE and FALSE related to many rows from Table 1,  the result will be erroneous.


Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar .

Yes, I tried wrapping with ANY also without any luck.

You are correct the value i am looking for from table 1 is Boolean type. I dont know whether in this scenario I need to handle it differently. There is no error but it behave weirdly. 

Thanks a lot.

Thank you. Is your data such that the SELECT() statement likely to return multiple rows?

Could you also share a couple of data examples of the columns [SemDescCourseCode] in both the tables?

It must return one row all the time.


Tried the follows alternatively having the same faulty result-

[_THISROW].[SemDescCourseCode],"Assess_Basic", "SemDescCourseCode","AssessAssignedToStudents"


AND([_thisrow].[SemDesc]=[SemDesc], [_thisrow].[CourseCode]=[CourseCode])


Many instances, I faced reasonless issues with appsheet leaving any error.๐Ÿ™„

Thank you. As requested can you share how data values look for [SemDescCourseCode]? You can of course share only non confidential simulated data. Just wish to know the column data pattern. I am asking because in the image shared by you there are some special characters and commas in some column values? Hence the question.  The highlighted columns below.


data pattern.png

Just an update. It works perfectly for me under exact similar testing conditions. It pulled yes and no from other table for matching [Name] and {Email] in that table.

Concatenate Test-2.png

I would request you to take a look at your concatenation, column contents  for special characters etc. The expression works as expected.

I know Mr @Suvrutt_Gurjar . It also works for me in other simple table. But here without any reason, it works weirdly. It only gives one value either TRUE or FALSE. I have called it in the formula of virtual column.  I am tired with AppSheet. 

Anyway, Thanks.

Instead of CONCATENATE why do you not just do a normal SELECT match based on two columns? 

ANY( SELECT(table[column 3], AND(
  [column 1] = [_ThisRow].[column 1],
  [column 2] = [_ThisRow].[column 2]

Thanks @Joseph_Seddik. You are correct. Actually, I wanted to try with both expressions (LOOKUP/SELECT).  Therefore, I concatenate and used in LOOKUP. But in both of the cases result is same. 

@shahappsheet Thank you. Please post a screenshot showing the result of SELECT with AND, as suggested by @TeeSee1, and indicate why you consider it faulty. Thanks!

@Joseph_Seddik  This expression was also suggested by @TeeSee1 in his first post itself


After all this association in the thread, I have a feeling that @here is some possible issue with the data format of those columns involved in the expression. Column 1....Column4

@Suvrutt_Gurjar Thanks my friend, sorry I missed it. 

I've read the post again, more in detail, unless I'm missing something, again :), I noticed he's never posted a result showing the use of two-column select nor indicated the "faulty result". Just a suggestion; I'll let you kindly lead. 


@Suvrutt_Gurjar , I will check carefully with cool head and let you know. Thanks.

Hi @Joseph_Seddik : Never mind. Please do pitch in.  It always helps if a problem is analyzed from different angles.

@shahappsheet  did post a test result with concatenated column. However I requested him for data patterns of the involved columns, that possibly could suggest more.

Hi @shahappsheet : Sure. If you can share data pattern ( of course test data and not real data)  and and types of your columns, the community could give another try. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks dear @Suvrutt_Gurjar !

Yes, I've seen the result only with concatenated column. In addition to what you've asked, I've asked him to post also the result using SELECT with AND on two columns. 

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