Expressions not working proper

Why Second Expressions not working proper.




[pair qty] * LOOKUP([CHANNEL], "AutoSelect", "CHANNEL SELECTION", "no of count"),[Video qty] * LOOKUP([CHANNEL], "AutoValuePlus", "CHANNEL TYPES", "SUM")

Note: This expression could impact performance.

((The value of column 'PAIR QTY' * One randomly chosen value from this list (
........The list of values of column 'NO OF COUNT'
........from rows of table 'AutoSelect'
........where this condition is true: ((The value of column 'CHANNEL SELECTION') is equal to (The value of column 'CHANNEL')))) * One randomly chosen value from this list (
........The list of values of column 'SUM'
........from rows of table 'AutoValuePlus'
........where this condition is true: ((The value of column 'CHANNEL TYPES') is equal to (The value of column 'CHANNEL'))))




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Don't know what you are trying to achieve with this formula, but the comma in the middle sounds weird. Should it be for example a "+"?


I want to multiply first, and then when I enter the number [video QTY] then the [video QTY] should be multiplied by the [SUM] column of the ref table.

But what do you want to do with these two formulas? Do you want to plus, minus, multiple them or are they part of the IF statement?


@AleksiAlkio wrote:

But what do you want to do with these two formulas?

i want to combine this this formula.

[pair qty] * LOOKUP([CHANNEL], "AutoSelect", "CHANNEL SELECTION", "no of count"),[Video qty] * LOOKUP([CHANNEL], "AutoValuePlus", "CHANNEL TYPES", "SUM")


But combine them in which way? What's the goal?

I want that when [channel] column and ref [channel selection] are equal, When I enter a number in the [video QTY] column, that value gets multiplied with my ref table column "SUM".


@AleksiAlkio wrote:




It sounds you are looking something like this..

[pair qty] * LOOKUP([CHANNEL], "AutoSelect", "CHANNEL SELECTION", "no of count")


[Video qty] * LOOKUP([CHANNEL], "AutoValuePlus", "CHANNEL TYPES", "SUM")

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