External Eventing from new or updated event on connected Google Calendar

I am building a Bookings app for our company. We use Google Calendar and we have an external service that writes events to the Google calendar connected to Appsheet.

I have a table, Bookings, which has a ref, Google_Calendar_ID, which links to the connected Google Calendar data source.

I have created an automation which looks for a new updated event on the Google Calendar table. 
When I test the automation it works as expected and adds or updates the Bookings table, but.... when I actually add or update an event from Google Calendar the automation does not get triggered.

Chrome has an Appsheet Events plugin to trigger events when tables are updated via external eventing but the Google Calendar data source is not on the list of possible tables for the Appsheet Events to trigger.

Any ideas?

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The External Eventing extension only works with Google Sheets. There is no equivalent for Google Calendar.

Is there some sort of a workaround? Seems like it should be a feature. It certainly is very limiting in this instance.

I would add that even in Google sheets, I've found the external eventing to be spotty at best.

This seems to be a huge shortfall. If your app depends on third party updates and it is unaware of the changes then your data is completely out of sync and is effectively useless.

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