Extract Value

Hi i have question. i have 3 table.

Table 1 - Students Names.

Has this Column Names. ( [Student ID], [Students Name], [WeekDay1],[weekDay2] and [WeekDay3] )

Table 2-  Attendance.

Has this Column Names. ([Attendance ID] ,[Date], [Name])

Table 3- Attendance Detail.

Its has this Column Names. ( [Attendance Detail  ID],[Date],[WeekDay], [Time in], [Time Out] )

What i am trying to achieve to get only students list in Table2 [Name] base on Table3[WeekDay] Selected. 

Thank you.

Solved Solved
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It sounds like maybe you're trying use the value of the [Class Week Day] column in the Attendance_Details table to determine the list of values available to select for the [Students Name] column in the Attendance table when using a form to create a new row that is a child record of a row in the Attendance_Details table. Based on this inference and a cursory skim of your columns and table relationships, here's a draft expression to start experimenting with for the Valid if property of the [Students Name] column in the Attendance table.

 FullData[Students Name], 
  [_THISROW].[Attendance ID].[Class Week Day] = "All", 
   [_THISROW].[Attendance ID].[Class Week Day], 


View solution in original post


You likely need to create References between tables

Thanks for quick reply. The Table 1 and Table 2 has reference .

In this table 2 has relation with table 1 & table 2.


I don't understand enough about your table relationships nor what you mean by the following. Community members can likely provide more applicable advice if you share screenshots of your table columns and an example using concrete values for:

@pjksafety wrote:

get only students list in Table2 [Name] base on Table3[WeekDay] Selected


Students Data.PNGAtt_Detail.PNGAttendance.PNG

I am sorry.I am not good at explaining things. Lets try again here is the Screenshot for my 3 tables. In 1st table(FullData) where all students information. 2nd table(Attendance Detail) where i enter the attendance information. And 3rd table(Attendance) where all students attendance record save. What i was trying to do when i chose [Class Week Day] for example "Monday" from table(Attendance Detail) then it show in (Attendance Form) only students name they are in "Monday" from Column [Week_Days_Class_1],Column [Week_Days_Class_2],Column [Week_Days_Class_3]. And if i chose [Class Week Day] to "ALL" Its show all the Students Name from (FullData) table.

It sounds like maybe you're trying use the value of the [Class Week Day] column in the Attendance_Details table to determine the list of values available to select for the [Students Name] column in the Attendance table when using a form to create a new row that is a child record of a row in the Attendance_Details table. Based on this inference and a cursory skim of your columns and table relationships, here's a draft expression to start experimenting with for the Valid if property of the [Students Name] column in the Attendance table.

 FullData[Students Name], 
  [_THISROW].[Attendance ID].[Class Week Day] = "All", 
   [_THISROW].[Attendance ID].[Class Week Day], 


Thank you and appreciation your help. you are life saver dbaum  . This expression is work for me.

Sorry forgot One more thing. Is any way i can sort Students names by Week days. When i chose All its shows all in descending order.

@pjksafety wrote:

sort Students names by Week days

I don't understand what it would mean to sort names by weekdays. Regardless, you can investigate the SORT and ORDERBY functions.

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