
I have 2 tables, one in Main Data, the other is Location Details.

Main Data table as PARENT TABLE, and Location Details in CHILD TABLE.

Main Data consist of common details for Location Details (Street name), and Location Details consist of many location (LatLong). For example: ARBA STREET have 10 street light poles. So Location Details is consist of all 10 street light pole location (LatLong).

The question is, how can i filter my map view so that user can see only 10 pins when they select ARBA STREET in the Parent Table?

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Which table is your map view displaying, Parent Table or Child Table? Does your Child Table have a Ref column to Parent Table or does your Parent Table have an EnumList column with subtype REF pointing to the Child Table? If the first option, then add a virtual column to the Child Table with formula [Ref to Parent Table].[Street name], set as type EnumList subtype text, make sure in the other setting for this column to check 'searchable'. Now it should be searchable in your map view.

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