FInd solution to create an app

Hello and thank you for this superb application

I’m in charge of a convention center
To facilitate my work, I thought of creating an application on which (temporary) servers can apply when I need
The idea is that I put on a sheet the start and end times and that they can apply online
With confirmation email address of which I validate
I can’t because I lose a lot in the application manager and in my ideas.
Could you help me?

Thank you so much

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A convention center is my all-time top of the list perfect client for an app sheet application.

You can have one primary admin system, where you would manage all of the details and everything, and you could have a couple of support apps to come along with it.

One that you could give access to all of your distributors, the other people that are presenting, all of those types of people - so that they can manage all of their details.

Then another app that would function as a public portal, where the general public could access it and get information.

You could have an interactive app, with pins dropped and all the various locations of people could click on them to get more information. All of that information could be entered by the individuals at each Booth or whatever, pending approval process of course.

So much awesome this could be done here

Hello I just want an application where my waiters can apply for assignments on specific times and dates I want to be able to choose the people who want to work because depending on the assignments I need "such and such a person" Thank you a thousand times

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