Failed Dereference - What Am I Doing Wrong?

I am trying to create a virtual column in the PATIENTS table to pull some information from the DIALYSIS table by way of using the _patientIdentifier reference , and I cannot see why this is not working:




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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @mykrobinson 

From my understanding, as your table structure is made, each patient may have various DIALYSIS records attached.

You probably already have a virtual column [Related DIALYSISs]

Is it so ?

If so, then your expression might be either:

[Related DIALYSISs][Dialysis location]

that will give a list.


ANY([Related DIALYSISs][Dialysis location])

That will give a random item in this list.

Good points, and now that i think about it, a patient can have multiple dialysis schedules, since that schedule will vary if they are in hospital. There is a Related Dialysis virtual column, and it looks like i am also performing some additional LOOKUP() operations for a few other virtual columns regarding dialysis schedules. Perhaps i need to take a bit and refamiliarize myself with the table structure.

Thank you

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert
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