Fields with app formulas don't update automatically.

I have 3 tables to build kits from items.  The tables are Kits, Kits Details and Kit Items.

Appsheet 01.png

I choose items from the table "Kit Items". I enter cost and profit (in percent).

Appsheet 02a.png

In the table "Kit Details", everything is Ok

Appsheet 02.png

But in the table "Kits", the fields KitCost, KitProfit and KitPrice show zeros. The formulas must copy the value of the TotalCost column from the Kit Details table into the KitCost column of the Kits table.

Appsheet 04.png

Here you can see the formula of the column KitCost.

Appsheet 05.png

This is a screenshot of a test of the formula.  As you can see, the results are Ok, but for some reason, the KitCost column is not updated with the value.  The same issue is for the columns KitProfit and KitPrice.

Appsheet 06.png

If I edit and save the form of the table "Kits", formulas work, and the columns are updated with the correct values in this table.

Any idea on how to solve this issue?

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In Preview: New UI design for desktop users

View solution in original post


Additional information

There are 2 more tables related with the table "Kits".  These are the "Budgets" and the "Budget Details" tables.   These 2 tables work in conjuction with the "Kits" table.    The Kits table act as a source of items to do the budget, so the process start with the Budgets table.

App Formulas in real columns only evaluate when that record is edited. Virtual Columns re-evaluate upon every sync.

Hi Marc_Dillon.  Thank you for your reply.

I agree with you. The formulas must be triggered when adding a new record or when editing. As a matter of fact, when I do the test of the expressions, these show the right answers, but in the Google Sheets and within the App, the answers are zero.

How do you explain this?

Because you haven't triggered the re-evaluation with an edit.

Can you tell me what I have to do in order to fix it? 


I did some more tests and I found that every kit made vรญa my phone or the mobile UX of Appsheet, works fine.

If I use the "New Tab" UX of Appsheet, the formulas in the KitCost, KitProfit and KitPrice columns do not evaluate when creating a new record.

Appsheet 07.png

I tested it 10 times in each interface (mobile UX, New Tab and my phone) for a total of 30 tests and the results were consistently.

Appsheet 08.png

If I edit the name of those kits from the "New Tab" interface after being created, then the formulas work and the KitCost, KitProfit and KitPrice columns are updated correctly, but if the edition consist of adding a new item to the kit from the "New Tab", the formulas do not update the results.

Any workaround for this issue?

Desktop View is currently a preview feature and under active development. Preview features are not yet suitable for use in important apps. Until it has achieved greater stability, I recommend against using this preview feature except for testing and to help the AppSheet developers in their efforts. To follow the progress of and contribute to the development effort, please visit this dedicated Community topic:

In Preview: New UI design for desktop users

Thank for the info Steve.

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