Filter Help

I have a few data fields that I want to be searchable but I do not want them to show up in the filter section. How can I achieve this? 

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  • UX

I'm afraid if you set the column as searchable, it will be available with the filter view.

  1. In your view, look for a column that has a lot of different values that the filter shows only a search field without showing a list of existing values. Let's say its name is manyValuesViewColumn.
  2. Make that column unsearchable. 
  3. Make a new virtual column,
    1. Make it searchable.
    2. Give it the same Display name as your manyValuesViewColumn that you have just made it unsearchable. 
    3. Do NOT include it in any of your views.
    4. In its app formula concatenate the value of manyValuesViewColumn and the value of the other column you want to keep hidden.

Et voilà .. there you have it!

Nice workaround 😂😂

.    😄    .


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