Filter a table with slices based on an enumlist

Hello everyone,

I am trying to create a table that is filtered based on the values of an enumlist. This enumlist contains all the weekdays.

What I have:
Table [BRB WEEKLY EXPORT] with columns:
- Serie Scurta - stores serial numbers, text type
- ZI - enumlist containing all the days of the week
- Denumire Locatie - stores the current location name of equipment that has the serial numbers
- other columns, not relevant now

I managed to successfully create a dashboard that contains:
- an enum dropdown where the user can choose one weekday 
- a table view that filters based on the selected day from the previous dropdown
This functionality works, and was pretty easy to do, but I need to be able to filter based on multiple values.

What I want:
To filter the data in the table based on multiple choices from the "zi" dropdown and see the data for the selected days.
e.g. if I select Monday and Tuesday, I want the table to show me the slices "Monday" and "Tuesday" - not sure if it's possible to do it in a single table view or it needs to be separate, but I need it to be in a single view.


I searched through older posts in the community, I was able to find similar questions, but not quite what I needed so the solutions weren't working here ๐Ÿ˜ž

From what I found, I need to use the slices to filter the data based on the current value/s of column "zi", but after multiple attempts I only made it to update the value of the first row. When I select the days from the dropdown, it re-syncs the app and updates the value of the first row for column "zi".

Can you please give me a hint what I should do?
Thanks in advance!

Solved Solved
0 9 457

That doesn't seem to be what is happening for me.  You can see that I have selected the Parent Name of A, B, C, D.  The view has properly selected the rows with only those values.    My Parent Name column is a REF. The difference may be that you are using EnumList for the ZI column definition?  I'll try that out.

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 1.57.04 PM.png

View solution in original post


The Interactive Dashboard mode, which is what I think you are referring to, does not allow for selection of multiple rows to filter the other views.

The simplest way to achieve your goal is to make use of Search Filtering.  The Search function allows for selection of multiple values in a column AND filtering by multiple columns - all within a single Table view.  All you have to do is create the Table view and then set each column you wish to Search/Filter by as "Searchable".  See images below.

While in Table view, click the Search Icon to see the view below.  Tap the Filter button.

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 10.26.32 AM.png

The list of Searchable (and Filterable) columns will appear

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 10.27.45 AM.png

Tap the column to Filter by and choose 1 or more values to apply. Repeat for other columns

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 10.28.04 AM.png

I didn't think about that, it's almost what I need, but if I filter and select Monday and Tuesday from the column "Day" for example, it returns nothing.

It seems the app looks for the value "Monday, Tuesday" in a row or column not for separate values, did I miss something? If I filter 2 different columns, I have no problems. 


That doesn't seem to be what is happening for me.  You can see that I have selected the Parent Name of A, B, C, D.  The view has properly selected the rows with only those values.    My Parent Name column is a REF. The difference may be that you are using EnumList for the ZI column definition?  I'll try that out.

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 1.57.04 PM.png

Yes, you are correct!  For LIST columns, the Filter behaves in 2 ways:

1)  If only single filter value is selected, then any row containing that value is shown.

2)  If more than one value is selected to filter, only those rows with the column that exactly matches the selected filter values are shown.

SO...there are a couple of options:

1)  Build a custom filtering feature.  This does take some time and effort and will likely require additional tables to store the chosen filtering criteria so it can be applied to the views.

2)  Adjust your app to handle the day EnumList column differently.   For example, I might make an exception to the data normal form and have a column for each day as a yes/no flag.  For that matter, I would probably use Virtual Columns for this and only show these in the Table view to be filtered. 

Marked this one as the solution - enumlist can't be filtered using the default search/filter feature, but Ref columns can.
Thanks again for the help!

I actually don't mind the Day column to be Ref type, I started with it an enumlist because I had a dropdown to filter the data.

I can use it like that since the filter works, it shows the rows where Day = "Monday" and Day = "Tuesday" or any other combinations, now I have to figure out what the yellow warning sign is next to the day.

No point doing a custom filter feature for this one because it's a simple app and it's almost done, this part was giving me a hard time.

@RazvanS wrote:

now I have to figure out what the yellow warning sign is next to the day.

If it is a REF column, the value physically assigned into the column MUST be the row key.  You will see the yellow warning Icon when you have returned a value that is not a valid row key in the referenced table.

The question is if you need to be able to select multiple Days on a single row?  I assumed that is why you were using an EnumList.


I fixed the REF part, I just changed the key is the refferenced table.

For the filter, I have this table, I wanted to show only the serial numbers for specific days, but the built-in filter does exactly what I needed. 



Solved with the exclamation marks too, I just changed the key in the referenced table and it works.

interesting how much the column type changes the way data is filtered.

Thanks a lot for the help!

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