Filter from where you came from

I am trying to create a filtered view based on where you came from but not sure what is the best way to lay this out... 

I have tried doing this with slices and it worked but I found I had to create a lot of views and slices to achieve what I wanted

I have now moved onto LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW which I know will work but need help in laying out the formula and process 

Simple explanation 

I have buttons 1 & 2

Then I have buttons A & B

Then I have buttons X & Y


So if I click on 1 then A then X

I want to go to the table and filter 1AX 


Hope this make sense


0 3 98

I am not sure exactly what your buttons do but assuming they are a bunch of enum cols that you select, then, you can simply concatenate the cols and use it in your  LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW's filter part.

More details would help us give you more specific answers.

Hi @TeeSee1 


Thank you very much for your time in replying 


They are currently not in an enum type but potentially could. 

More details

I have set up the buttons like this from youtube 


Each button is on a new view to make the app look nice,  I don't really want to do a simple enum down the view then link to filtered view. It's like I need appsheet to know where / what view I came from. 


Button 1 (Desk View 1) 1 &2

Button 2 (Gallery View 2) A&B

Button 3 (Gallery View 3) X&Y

After this take me to the desk view with the filter of whatever I clicked eg 1AX 


Im not sure what the best way to set this up would be






AppSheet basically has no internal memory storage to pass values between actions (there are a few exceptions but limited none the less).

So one way I would do what you are asking is to create a table to hold your "breadcrumbs" and use it in subsequent actions.

You can do that by creating

1) an action to record whatever you want into the temporary table.  You need to consider when to clear the entry and when to concatenate values in subsequent actions not to lose what you have accumulated.

2) an action to navigate to another view - this is your main action

3) an action to do both of the above (Grouped: execute a sequence of actions) and assign it to the row selected event.

When you are ready for the final navigation, then use whatever you have recorded in the temp table to choose your final destination view.

Hope this makes sense.

Others may have better solutions but this is the best I can come up with for now.

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