Filtering a View Based on Parent view

I am creating an app that tracks deals and updates on those deals.

I have two tables in my app, ‘Deals’ and ‘Updates’.

The updates tables reference the account names from the Deals sheet.

As an example, I have a new Deal on the Summary table with an ‘Account’ value of ‘Company A’ . On the updates sheet, I have several updates, each with their own unique ‘ID’ and ‘Account ID’ of ‘Company A’

In the app, I have a detail view of each Deal. I have an action which allows me to click a button and see the updates view. I would like to be able to filter this view to show only the updates for that specific deal.

Right now the behavior target is just 'LINKTOVIEW(‘Updates’)

What I need it to do is something like:

LINKTOVIEW(‘Updates’ where ‘Account ID’ = current deal Account name).

If I am in a detailed view for Company A and I click the updates button, I would like to navigate the user to an Updates view that only has the Updates for Company A.

Then, I would like to be able to add new updates for that specific deal from this view.

What am I missing.

Solved Solved
1 3 540


Thanks for this Mark.

When I added the filtered view expression, it still shows me every record instead of only the ones for that account ID

Nevermind. Worked. Just needed to refresh.


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