Filtering dropdown list based on user selection

In the “Facility Assets” template, within the “facilities” tab, is there an easy way to limit/filter the “floor” drop down based on the selection made in the “facility” drop down (or vice versa)?

In essence, I’m trying to avoid allowing the user to select “Facility A” and then selecting a floor from “Facility B” (i.e., if the user selects “Facility A”, then I’d expect the “floor” drop down to ONLY show the floors that are available at Facility A. Conversely, it would be great if the user could also just select the appropriate floor from “Facility B” and then the facility would automatically change to “Facility B”.

Thanks in advance!

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Thanks a bunch! I figured the answer was already documented, but I couldn’t find it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction @Aurelien !

The useful answer pages are not available for me?

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