Finish view once action complete

Is there a way to return to the Open_Detail view of the record an action was triggered from?For instance, in the attached snip, we open the “Foldsmart Checklist” which is part of the 132182 job number, our key column in the “Open” table. The Foldsmart Checklist action button opens a form. After the form is completed and saved I’d like the finish view to be the open_detail view of the 132182 record. I can only seem to get it to return to the earliest open record open_detail view. Is there a way to accomplish this?

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Thank you.

Could you please update what type of action is this?

If it is so, I believe the Foldsmart Checklist table records will also appear as inline records to the Detail view snip records belonging to the Open service tickets table. Any specific reason you are not using inline table that typically should have “Add” button to add the Foldsmart Checklist records and return back to the detail view of parent table?

View solution in original post


I believe you may wish to mention if the “Foldsmart Checklist” form is based on the same table where the Job Number is key and the detail view snip shown in picture is based on or is “Foldsmart Checklist” form is based on a table that is child table of the Job Number table.

Hi Suvrutt, the Foldsmart Checklist form is it’s own table. I have it listed as a “is part of” the Open service tickets table. The Detail view snip shown is a record of the Open service tickets table. When the Foldsmart Checklist action button is clicked from this view, it opens the Foldsmart checklist form that auto-populates with the same Job number as the record in the Open detail view.

Thank you.

Could you please update what type of action is this?

If it is so, I believe the Foldsmart Checklist table records will also appear as inline records to the Detail view snip records belonging to the Open service tickets table. Any specific reason you are not using inline table that typically should have “Add” button to add the Foldsmart Checklist records and return back to the detail view of parent table?

Hi Suvrutt, I did as you suggested, I didn’t even think of using the automatically created virtual column. It works well! Thanks for the assistance!

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