Form Saved action not beign executed

Hi there, is this my mistake or a bug? I've set an action on Form Saved. When I run the app as a mobile the action is being executed as expected. But when I run the app either in tablet mode or desktop mode, then the actions isn't executed. 

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Any chance you are using a different form view with desktop mode which doesn't have the same Event action?

No I have only one form, the system generated one.

"in tablet mode or desktop mode".. are you doing this with the app editor?

The App is not deployed yet, so yes.

And you don't have a form view that belongs to a slice?

No, I have only one form.

It sounds like your app version is not exactly the same. Close the desktop view from your browser, open it again from the editor and then open and save a record where the Company column is not blank. 

I've just did it. Same result.

Have you checked from the Audit history does the logs show a second Edit after the original edit? 

It does when the update is made from the Mobile app. But when done from the Desktop one, only the update forom the Form is logged, and not he one from the action.

What happens if you remove the validation ISNOTBLANK([..]) away?

With ISNOTBLANK([Company]) removed. In the Mobile app, the Obsolete is emptied in every case. And in the Desktop app, it is never emptied.

You mean.. you removed the condition rule ISNOTBLANK([..]) from your action, but still it doesn't clear the [Obsolete] column when the form is saved with desktop?

Yes exact.

What happens if you trigger the action button manually with the desktop? 

Then it does what it is supposed to.

Without seeing your app and investigate, I'm running out of ideas what the reason could be.

Thank you anyway for your help and your time. Much appreciated!

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