Form columns changed order

A couple of my columns moved to the bottom of my form.
one is a toggle if the equipment requires mainteance - I had it on a page with 2 other Y/N questions and it disappeared when I found it it was at the end of the forms 3 pages later.
another is a number field that I use for calculations I have equipment weight, load weight and total weight
equipment weight moved to the bottom of the form on the last page below the requires maintenance (Y/N) Field it is needed to calculate total weight so that is a awkward placement.
how can I move these back? the columns in the spreadsheet are still in the same place.

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  • UX

Create a data slice and use that for the Form. Not only can you control order with a slice but you can also remove columns you may not want to show on the form BUT do want to show elsewhere in the app.

It is strongly recommended to always use slices.

I’ll try that, but wondered why when they where in the correct order and the spreadsheet is in the correct order that suddenly 2 of them moved to the end.

That shouldn’t happen, unless (maybe?) you added virtual columns with the same names as columns in the spreadsheet.

and no, I don’t have any virtual columns in this form.

This is much better! Thanks!
Now I could actually change the spreadsheet to the layout I want it in independently of the order the questions need to be asked.

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