Form view - Save and New Button

How to create  this Save and New button in form view ?


@AleksiAlkio @Suvrutt_Gurjar @Steve @dbaum @jyothis_m @Kirk_Masden @Rifad @MultiTech 


1 7 201

It is not possible using appsheet.

Disappointing. Please let me know if there is an option. 

@Rifad wrote:

It is not possible using appsheet.

Always another way (matrix) - reduced.gif





This is a very common request, and you can create a solution for this using a combination of features:

  1. Add an enum column to serve as a "Nav_Option" button as the last field in your form
    1. Give this the options:  "Save & New" & "Save"

  2. Configure your form to auto-save
  3. Add an action stack into the form save event with a couple of conditional actions
    1. Both actions are conditional based on the option selected in Nav_Options
    2. If they select "Save & New" the linkToForm() action kicks off, taking you back to the same form (bringing with it any parent Ref information, increasing sequential counts by one, etc.)
    3. If they select "save" then do something else, like take them to the detail view - or just don't do anything on this and let the default system behavior take over.

With this method you can create a very complex "force form flow", literally leading your users through the forms/views you want with 100% control and accuracy.


I've got a sample app that demonstrates how to set this up:

Thank Mr. Matt, I have a Question . You have used normal column in comments table for Save, Add comment Etc . can I use Virtual column instead of normal column of type Enum . Is it advisable ? 

@jaichith wrote:

can I use Virtual column instead of normal column

No you won't be able to do that, virtual columns don't allow for interaction - it has to be a physical column. 

Wow, only 3 months for the reply. Amazing ๐Ÿ˜†

Actually, there is an AppSheet built in way to do this very easily, just not exactly like the example you show.

Each Form view has an "Auto re-open" setting that when turned on, the Form view will re-open on a Save.   See image.  The down-side is that it is NOT user selectable so the the Form will have to open a second time for the user to Cancel out of the Form and stop the re-opening activity.

If you need the more sophisticated approach, then follow Matt's example


Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 12.50.39 PM.png

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