Form view name could not identify

Hi all, I have a table Team, and table Master note. From table Master note I created a slide name"team note" ref_row it with table Team, and I created a  team note form. 

When I add team note (ref slice) from the table team, the form view is "form" as the picture below, but not Team note form? I happened with other slides from the master note table.


and I could not find the "form" view in Editor page.



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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Something attracts my attention: you have "form" in the view name, but the view type is a table. Is that intended ?



View solution in original post


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Phong_Lam1 


You may want to look at the very bottom of the Behavior/Actions page 😉



Hi @Aurelien, how are you doing? I knew you will help with my question 🙂 
I did press that button,
in my test app, It does not show the "form" . It works well with the "team note form" that I created. But in the main app (this current app) just not working

I need the proper form view name to have the note category as this expression





Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Something attracts my attention: you have "form" in the view name, but the view type is a table. Is that intended ?



You are paying good attention @Aurelien! Thanks for the help, It's should be in form not  table. BTW I learned how to use slices by your recommendation, that is good !

You are welcome 🙂

Glad you got it !

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