Format Rule Disappears When I Save in Editor

I am trying to create a format rule that puts a red exclamation point in front of the facility name if the "Date Approval Received" is greater than 30 days. Where am I going wrong here? As you can see to the right of the screenshot there is no formatting taking place. Most of these lines should have the icon.



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  • UX

The rule disappears after you save? Or it just doesn't seem to work? Those are 2 very different issues.

The icon is not showing but when I press save, for a moment, it will show the icon. By the time the save process is complete it disappears. So not sure which issue that would be, not working or disappears. 

What icon? What save button? Can you show more screenshots of what you're talking about, or a video would probably be better.

I cannot get it to do it again. Can you help me w/ just making my initial question work? Forget about the whole save lol. I am trying to create a rule that puts a red Exclamation point next to the facility name if the 'Approval received date' is older than 30 days. This is what I have


In the detail is where this is...



That expression and format rule setup appears to be correct (though the outermost parentheses are unnecessary).

Format rules don't take effect in form views though. That 2nd screenshot is a form view, not a detail view as you noted.

Ok cool! And the second screenshot was just showing where the criteria came from. Soooo why doesn't it work lol?

I got it, took the parenthesis off and it worked


Then I press the BLUE save button in the top right corner and they go away....


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