Format Rule for a part of the text

I'm wondering if it possible to use format rule for a part of the text. 

So i got the following text in a column: 

="Some text "&[Column 1]&" Some text "&[Column 2]&" Some text 3"

( I eat [meat balls] and [vegetables] every Monday) 

I want to apply the format rule for a [Column 2] text-part.

If I use Formate rule for a Column 2 , it won't work after CONCATENATE() function.

Please help if there any trick to reseave the following result: 

="Some text "&[Column 1]&" Some text "&[Column 2]&" Some text 3"

( I eat [meat balls] and [vegetables] every Monday) 

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Sorry man, the format rules only apply for the whole column field.

Consider exploring the Rich Text Formatting preview feature. Maybe it could help you meet your need.

I strongly discourage the use of preview features.

I have read-only table, I hope dbaum's solution will work well. I gonna check it today. 

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