Format Rules (inline) table view


I'm trying to format rules in an inline table view, but apparently I'm doing something wrong.

Captura de ecrรฃ 2022-06-22 232015.jpg

The point here is that on each row of the table it display colours based on conditions. In this example on the first row it should do nothing, on the second row it should change the colour to red and the third row should be green.

Am I doing something wrong? Thank you.

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  • UX

In each format rule, confirm you selected the column(s) (e.g., [Dรญas Vencidos]) whose values you want the format applied to.

I've done that. Captura de ecrรฃ 2022-06-23 001058.jpg

I think that what it's happening is that if the first row have some kind of format, that other rows follow the same formatting:
Captura de ecrรฃ 2022-06-23 001409.jpg

In this last example, if [Dias Vencidos] is > 30 it shoul mark as yellow, but if [Dias Vencidos]<30 it should be green

Some additional troubleshooting ideas. If you haven't tried them already, these might help you pinpoint the issue:

  • Confirm whether the problem only in the app editor's preview, or also when actually running the app.
  • Confirm whether the problem occurs only in the embedded inline view or also in the full table view (i.e., select the "VER" link to open that view).
  • Change the sequence of the format rules and see whether the problem changes.
  • Enable/disable different combinations of the format rules and see whether the problem changes.
  • In the expression editor, use the "Test" function to see whether the expression evaluates to Y or N for each row.


I've tested the things you said but it still not works. I also change the way of evaluating if the condition is true or false by adding a Green, Yellow or Red, but it still not works.
It only works if the table only have 1 row. If it have more than one, the formatting used on the first row will be used on the next

Captura de ecrรฃ 2022-06-23 122021.jpg

Any other clue?

Not really.

One more detail you could confirm is that the columns you're comparing are the appropriate data type.

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